Hello friends!
Sorry for not posting in a week, but things are getting really busy! I am going through the designed pages of my book, working on the last corrections. (The designer made my book sooo gorgeous! It is more beautiful than I could have imagined!) But you’d think that after editing and going through the manuscript for a gazillion times, it would be squeaky clean by now, right? Don’t you think I find a “each another”, “we shakes hands” and a missing punctuation mark! Among other things! HOW is it possible?!
And on top of this, I really, really need to get my act together and produce an author headshot, several people have been asking for it… GAH! So when I’m not reading my book until my head spins, I am shopping make-up and clothes and taking selfies. 🙂 Actually, it is homework from the photographer I will meet next week, she wants me to find my best angle. Hmm…
Yep, going all teenager here. 🙂
Ok, one more.
Maybe I can use an iPhone selfie as author portrait, ha, ha, just kidding.
See you soon!
What do you mean, you need an author headshot?? Since I started following your blog I’ve seen at least two gorgeous ones that would work perfectly! (the ones you’ve had as the main picture in your sidebar) Then again, it’s always good to have more to chose from. =)
Argh for editing (and still finding mistakes)…BUT YOU ARE SO CLOSE!!!! In fact, you are so close *I* can almost smell the ink! 😉
Keep up the good work, but remember to take breaks, too. Dr. Angelica recommends some brisk walking and ice cream. Always ice cream, haha.
Speaking of editing, I need to edit my posts! “more to chooooooooooooose from.” Haha.
Ha, ha, editing; there’s always something!
The author headshot is going to be printed in the back of my book (inside, not back cover), with photo credits, and the pix from my blog have so far been taken by Anders, that’s ok, ha ha, but the pic also needs to be in high resolution and preferably professionally taken…
Yes! Brisk walks and ice cream, will do! 🙂
Nice job, Anders!! From one hobby photographer to another (or two others, by the sound of it) – the pics you already have are awesome. But I get what you’re saying, so have fun with your professional photo shoot! Besides, already having good pics means you have a back-up plan. Just in case… 😉
Oh, and I forgot to mention chocolate. But maybe that was implied with the ice cream, haha.
Thanks, great to hear you think the other pix work as back-up (I actually sent one of them to my publisher and they were like “yeah, this is a good back-up”, that’s when I realized I really needed to find a professional photographer, ha, ha.
But Anders is great at taking pix, coming from a long line of photographers! 🙂 And I enjoy it very much, so yeah, it’s a hobby for both of us. And I could tell immediately from the awesome pix on your site that you’re also into photography! Lots of common interests! 🙂
Chocolate it is! Thanks doc! 😉
Shopping är alltid roligt, och speciellt när det är en hemläxa!!! Vad spännande med bokdesignen! Ser fram emot det färdiga resultatet. Och det är jättespännande att följa med i utvecklingen av en boks födelse! många kramar
Eller hur! Shopping när det är som bäst, he he. Fick i uppgift att hitta grå och blå blusar, men tror du inte jag kom hem med två svarta och en vit och en grå kortärmad topp… Känner mig ändå mest bekväm i svart och möjligen vitt. Ska bli spännande detta… Kram, kram.
Alla vinklarna är bäst, tycker jag 🙂
Vad mycket spännande som händer men också imponerande vad mycket jobb som ligger bakom ett färdigt resultat. Heja, heja dig!!
Gullig du är! <3
Och tack för heja-rop!
Hey, I too think your pic on top of the sidebar is fantastic, but of course I understand that for a professionally produced book you need a professionally taken photo 😉
The photo on the sidebar of my blog was taken by my sister. Don’t tell anyone.
Isn’t editing and proofreading just like going trhough hell? and going through hell. Going through hell… 🙁
Thanks my friend! Your picture is awesome, with such a great mood in it. A very talented sister, oops, you didn’t hear it from me. 🙂
Yes, the editing drives me nuts! Just when you think it’s all under control, a new issue emerges. Just gotta stick with it. From now on I’m gonna be much more forgiving when I find errors in people’s books…
Åh, det är det svåraste – att se sina egna korrekturfel. Hoppas du hittar de rackarna! För övrigt håller jag med Ylva här ovan. Alla vinklarna är bäst.
Tackar! 🙂
Och eller hur, det är jättesvårt att se sina egna små missar, särskilt som de hängt med texten länge. Korrekturläsaren var superduktig och fångade upp det mesta. Men nu när jag går igenom texten noga inför provtryck så är det ändå några sådana här luringar kvar. Hoppas jag får med allt i denna omgången.
Lycka till hos fotografen! Spännande att se resultatet.
Tack så mycket, nu är det gjort! Ska verkligen bli spännande. 🙂