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October 15, 2015

(In Bali!)

Celebration and Vacation

Greetings from Bali! We have a lot to celebrate: the girls’ holiday from school, my “second birthday” (which was last week: the 7th anniversary of my heart surgeries), and one month since the official publication day for Beautiful Affliction! In addition, it is Islamic New Year in Indonesia, which means that everything lined up so that we could book a vacation in Bali this week! Woo-hoo!

These past weeks have been pretty hectic, and I am so happy my husband realized I needed some ocean air in my face and golden sand under my feet
 It was so sweet of him to pull me away from the buzz of Jakarta (aka the noise from the construction site behind our house!) to this wonderful island where you just have to relax and listen to the soothing music of the waves breaking against the coral reef.

BA and coconut

Look at that! Even Beautiful Affliction is relaxing on the beach, and it is well deserved I have to say! Well done, little book, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell my story, for helping me find the words to tell it, and for carrying it out into the world with your fragile paper heart mended by needles. You deserve a fresh coconut drink and to look up at the blue sky peering through the shadows of the branches.

And thank you dear blog readers for coming with me on this crazy journey of publishing my debut book! I appreciate it more than I can say and I just want to give each one of you a big hug!

A special greeting this week also to the book club members in Philadelphia who have read Beautiful Affliction as their October book and will meet today to discuss it! Thank you for choosing my book, and I wish I could be there to listen to your discussion! 🙂

With love,


PS. If you have read Beautiful Affliction and liked it, I would be tremendously happy if you would consider leaving a review or a rating on Amazon and/or Goodreads. It would mean a lot to me. Thank you.

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