(Change of Plans)
Wow, there’s so much going on that the big book tour I had planned in October, spanning across Asia–Sweden–Philadelphia, USA, turned out to not perhaps be the best idea. We’re holding off on that for now, since I am completely busy answering interviews, appearing on radio (last night), writing articles and guest blog posts, not to mention answering readers who contact me daily with questions and letters and just to tell me how much they love Beautiful Affliction! In other words, a wonderful way to be kept busy!
My publisher has already planned a US book tour for me and fellow fall authors, but, it is just too much for me right now, especially also with our upcoming move to Malaysia in December. Wish I could go though, to meet readers and my wonderful “Pub sisters” that I have gotten to know this last year!
But we are actually planning to go back to Sweden around Christmas (when we are in between houses and our furniture are shipped in a container), and I have already started dreaming about Swedish Christmas food! 🙂
If you want to be kept in the loop on everything Beautiful Affliction, I try to post the big news on the page called NEWS, found on the main bar above. There’s also a lot happening over at Goodreads and Amazon, and the Swedish online booksellers, which you can check out!
For me it was a big deal to be published as main feature on Writer’s Digest, which I have been following for years. Writer’s Digest is the world’s largets platform for writers with 700 000 monthly visitors and it was such a joy to wake up one morning to find that they had published my article “5 Steps To Writing in Your Second Language”. (It’s about Joseph Conrad, the Swedish Chef, and me.)
Under NEWS you can also find author interviews, excerpts from my book, and several online lists that include Beautiful Affliction. For example it was great fun to see my book listed as the most anticipated memoir for fall on Buzzfeed!
Can’t believe my book has already been out in the world for three weeks! Time is flying by!
Thanks for all your support,
PS. Here comes the begging I have been warning you would come: if you have read my book, would you please consider leaving a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads? Every rating and review means a lot to me. Thank you. End of begging for this time.
Comments (6)
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I see there is a lot going on in your life for the moment – I was glad to see that you are not going on a tour just now, spare your strengh till life has calmed down.
I´m so happy how your book ” Beautiful Affliction” is recieved by all the readers – high points everywhere :).
The whole story up till now is amazing: from Sweden to the US and from there back to Sweden and to Indonesia and now the book is around in the world, – that is a pretty good trip.
Thank you! <3 Yes, I realized 36 hours distance is a bit on the higher side! And now I have reached a point where there are too many requests to handle, so I need to be home and online to at least do the most important ones, such as the Writer's Digest article! Agree, what a journey it has been! Love, Lene
I think you have had the most successful tour for somebody who has been so far away from the United States. I cannot imagine how it would have been if you were here. I wish you all the best, always. You are such an amazing and loving and wonderful person. We’ve never met face to face, but I feel I know you. You are the most helpful and kind person and I really appreciate that. And congratulations on the Reader’s Digest article. That is just wow! Have a great time in Sweden over the holidays. I miss the Swedish meatballs! Leslie
Thank you so much Leslie for your kind words! <3 <3 <3 It’s been quite a journey to publish and your support all the way has been fantastic. I am so happy we are pub sisters and hope to meet you one day in Sweden or the US! Hugs, Lene
Sorry about the canceled travel but busy is good, right?! Hope life isn’t too crazy and that you can get some help with packing for the move and such. Btw, I’d love to see a FAQ blog post or page on your website – and maybe that way you won’t have to answer as many emails! Just a thought. 🙂 Good luck with all the things that need doing!!
Thank you Angelica! <3 Yes, it is kind of crazy right now! And to move to Malaysia right in the middle of it all is even crazier… But hey, life goes on, even after a book is published. 🙂 Great idea with Q&A! Will do! 🙂