Hello friends!
I’ve had one crazy week over here, how about you?
I don’t know where to start, oh, I got to tell you that I got the full cover from my publisher!! Woohoo, it looks AWESOME! I am SO happy with it! The back cover is just gorgeous, I can’t wait to show you!
That, Easter, and spring break coming up, (actually it has practically already started, but I’ve been too busy to notice…) are the good stuff…
Also I got super sick and weak, but it was NOT dengue, which unfortunately my photographer got, right after returning home from Jakarta. My gosh: dengue!! I felt so sorry for her and of course her only job was to get well, not worry about photographs. So my deadline for sending in a head shot for the Advance Reader Copy came and went and my publisher actually used a photo taken by my husband!
Right before Becs got sick, she sent me this photo, which I hope we can use for my upcoming new web page.
I’m not gonna bother you with the details of my crazy week, let’s just say I’m happy it is over and Easter is coming up. And that’s right, we’re going to Bali soon! Phew, I need some ocean air and some sand under my feet…
See you soon & take care,
Tack o lov att du inte har haft dengue feber ( som också kallas breakbonefever, för att det ska vara så hemskt). Hoppas du återhämtar dig helt på Bali! Supersnyggt foto!
Glad Påsk till er!
Ja, usch, det är ingen rolig sjukdom, har inte hört det namnet på den förut, bara att man tydligen får jätteont i kroppen.
Tack och tack och Glad Påsk!
Awesome picture! Happy Easter to you too!
Thanks Leslie! Wishing you beautiful Easter days!
That photo looks so so good. I like it a lot 🙂
My week has been crazy too. the AtoZChallenge has started and really I didn’t expect it to be this demanding… but I’m enjoying it.
Hey, have a nice, safe journey to Bali.
Thanks Sarah!
You’re doing an amazing job with the A to Z Challenge! So much about the roaring 20ties that I had no clue about!
And thanks, yeah, we’re all looking forward to Bali, it’s been a while since we were out of town, and Jakarta tend to wear you out…
God bättring och glad påsk! Fick höra att man kan förhandsbeställa din bok redan – nu känns det att det är på riktigt!
Tackar tackar!
Och schhh, hi hi, säg det inte till nån, att boken finns att förhandsbeställa redan… 🙂 (skojar bara, det är helt ok så klart) Vi planerar en kampanj när allt är ordnat, än finns en hel del att rätta till på de olika plattformarna. KUL att du nåtts av ryktet! Som du säger: det börjar bli mer och mer verkligt.
Glad Påsk!
Bah, I forgot to comment! Yikes for dengue fever, but yay for backup pics! (you already know you have my blessing on those, haha). I’m sorry you’ve also been sick – but maybe that will make your trip to Bali even sweeter!? (and yes, I am jealous.)
Can’t wait to see the full cover! And the pic of you in the café (?) is awesome – so chic, girl!
Btw, did you get the email I sent you through your contact page? Take your time, just checking it came through cyberspace ok. 😉
So when is the best time to preorder??
Thanks Angelica, ha ha, yes, my husband’s pics came in handy. 🙂
And nope, I didn’t get your email, it must’ve got lost in space, but I just sent you my email address so now you’ve got it.
And I love preorders 🙂 Anytime is fine, and I’ll make some buzz when all the ducks are aligned. Hm, maybe I should write a blog post on the benefits of preorders… After researching I’ve learned some interesting stuff about it.
Thanks for the email address! I didn’t realize you’d sent it on fb and then I looked around a bit in my wordpress profile and realized my little gravatar thingie links to the wrong place! (or at least sometimes) Anyway, thanks for helping me see that and I’m going to try to remedy. Would be good if I sent people to my real website and not just a blank page, haha.
Yes, I’ve read some stuff about preorders too, and that they’re good. =) Nice topic for a blog post, so hope you decide to write one!
Oh, sorry, forgot to tell you it was on fb. I have to admit it took me a while to find your other web page, but your gravatar picture is amazing! So beautiful! Never change it! 🙂
How sweet are you! Someone once told me I look like I’m forty in that pic (that was apparently a good thing according to her). And that was a couple of years ago (I’m 34 now). Hahahaha. But it’s the best I have right now, so I’ll continue to use it for a bit. 🙂