Find Your Path
Since I wrote my last blog post: This Will Be Interesting, I’ve had a very “interesting” couple of months. Without going into details, let’s suffice it to say that last year was not my best one, but by no means my worst.
All in all, 2018 was a good year, but at the same time a string of disappointments, the one after the other, forced me to put my own advice to practice.
Determined to learn from my disappointments, I have forged on, with my eyes fixed on the future, and refused to dwell on the things that didn’t go my way. And now I am very happy that I did, since I now have a brand new book manuscript ready, which I wrote and edited during the last four months of the year. I have been stretching myself, working on such elements as speed and determination to reach my goal.
And I have learned all over again, that no matter how much other people’s paths to success may inspire, they’re never truly compatible to my own life. I have to find my own path, listen to my own voice, my own heart.
My focus words for 2018 were determination, resilience and patience, and boy, did I need all of these attributes! This year, I will focus on walking steadily down *my* path, and not be distracted by what other people are doing and their choices.
I think that when you’re working in a creative field, there’s always a danger of being pulled down by doors that are slammed in your face, rejections, and even people who try to tear you down. That’s why it’s extra important not to listen to the voices that tell you that you can’t, but instead listen to your heart that tells you that you can.
When you truly want to create something that wasn’t there before, you are always in a sense alone, and you have to find your own path and walk down it with determination. After all, the vision is yours, and the nay-sayers can perhaps glimpse it, but never fully see it until you have materialised it with your own hard work.
These past couple of months, I have also focused on not getting my motivation from outside validation, but to find my energy and joy from the work, the writing, itself. And this has been my best lesson from 2018! I found such tremendous joy in writing this last book manuscript, and I feel more confident and happy with my effort, than any outside validation could have given me. A deep sense of achievement, which no one can take away, because I found my own path through the disappointments, and came out stronger on the other side.
As we’re entering this new year, I’m wishing you boundless joy and fulfillment, dear friends! Let’s walk down our paths with confidence and a spring in our steps!
P.S. I snapped the picture as I was walking down to the beach in Tanjong Jara, on the Malaysian East coast. I just love the view of the little pathway and the stairs leading down to the water. Discovering this beautiful place was definitely one of the highlights of 2018.
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Sounds like a great resolution for 2019! I agree: Let’s walk down our paths with confidence!
Thanks Anders! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead! <3
Livet är intressant – kanske lite föööör intressant ibland. Men som du säger lärorikt både i goda tider och i svårare tider. Jag ser fram mot att läsa alla de böcker du har skrivet och de böckerna som ligger framför dig. Du har en fantastisk gåva att uttrycka dig i skrift! /Eva
Tack snälla Eva! <3 Och eller hur, ibland får man en hel bunt livs-lärdomar på en gång, kanske lite mer än vad man var beredd på. Kan vara jobbigt, men lärorikt och i varje fall intressant! Önskar dig ett fint och lagom intressant 2019! 🙂
So much wisdom here, Lene. My favorite line: “When you truly want to create something that wasn’t there before, you are always in a sense alone, and you have to find your own path and walk down it with determination.” I’m saving this whole blog post to read and re-read./Nan
Thank you Nan! And thank you for your constant encouragement!
I’m sorry you’ve had disappoints, but that will make your next success even sweeter!! You’re a gifted writer and I’m looking forward to your next book!! Choosing your own path and listening to your heart, while valuing input from experts, is always wise!! ❤️
Thanks a million for always cheering me on Sara! And yes, apart from listening to one’s heart, it is also super important to value input and advice from experts, thanks for reminding me of that, it could be its own topic for a blog post! <3
Dina betraktelser är så givande. Att hitta sin egen plattform o utirån den växa o bli “en hel” människa tar tid o erfarenheter (inräknat besvikelser), så fortsätt på din livsstig, du gör det så bra!
Tack! Älskar din parentes: (inräknat besvikelser), det är väl så man får se det, att besvikelser är att räkna med, men på det hela taget rör man sig i rätt riktning, (förhoppningsvis! 🙂 ) Kram!
I can’t wait to see what 2019 brings you. Thank you for being your talented, gracious, and vulnerable self.
Oh, my goodness, thank you for your kind words, Lizbeth! Wishing you too a wonderful year! <3
Du behandlar språket på ett fantastiskt sätt.
Jag gläder mig att ni “hittat” ett hus nära havet, stranden och vatten ger så mycket. Mitt “hav” tar jag en extra titt på varje morgon och kväll.
Ses i Göteborg. Ni är ALLTID välkomna till Jönköping och har en stående inbjudan.
Tack fina Ulla, härligt att höra hur du njuter av dina fantastiska utsikt och jaa, det känns så roligt att få lov att flytta nära havet. Snart ses vi! ❤️