(I ♥ Book Clubs)
I am very happy to report that several book clubs in the US, Canada and Sweden have chosen to read Beautiful Affliction, something I consider a tremendous honor. I only wish I could be there when they discuss my book after reading it, oh, to be a fly on the wall and hear what they are saying! 🙂
As a helpful tool for book clubs that meet to discuss my book, I have added a new page on my website, called: Reading Group Discussion Questions on Beautiful Affliction , and it can be found on the BOOK page, which has a link on the main bar above. I hope the questions can spark discussion, even though a book club that contacted me assured me they would have plenty to talk about! 🙂 Either way, the discussion questions are up there, and can be used by anyone who feel they might need material on my book, however, I do feel I have to raise a spoiler alert for people who have not yet read Beautiful Affliction.
I also want to thank my amazing friend and writer Angelica Hagman who helped me compile the discussion questions! Angelica did an excellent job putting together thoughtful questions that I feel are wonderful food for thought for anyone who have read the book.
If you are part of a book club, or if you know of a book club, please don’t hesitate to choose or recommend reading Beautiful Affliction, and I would be happy to assist in any way I can. I already have a Skype meeting planned with a book club in Canada, and if I am in the same country and within reasonable distance I would be happy to visit when you discuss my book.
With Love,
PS. Don’t miss the wonderful review of Beautiful Affliction on award-winning writer Robin L. Flanigan’s website!
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Hej Lene! Förstår att du vill vara flugan på väggen … Det är ju helt fantastiskt att bokklubbar diskuterar din bok – fast egentligen inte konstigt alls eftersom den är så himla bra. Önskar dig en fortsatt härlig tid 🙂
Ja, man blir ju nyfiken… 🙂 Tack snälla Eva!
Vilken bra ide! Boken berör alla som läser den. En vän till mig som är en nyligen pensionerad lärare i USA uttryckte sin beundran för ditt fantastiska språk och självklart boken som helhet.
Tack Eva, vad glad jag blir!
That’s terrific. Congrats! How did you connect to these book clubs. I’ve tried and tried. And tried. In the beginning that is, but then gave up. In fact, a good friend recommended Loveyoubye to her group, they loved the cover the idea and everything. But nine months later, I’m still waiting. I heard from an old pro that memoirs are not that popular in book clubs. But then here you are getting featured. I’m so glad for you.
Thanks Rossandra, you have been such a great support from day 1! Your book “Loveyoubye: Holding Fast, Letting Go, And Then There’s The Dog” is such a great book and would be a great fit for book club discussions! I remember reading it and discussing with my husband all along!
I also understand that book clubs tend to go mostly for fiction, but I think I was really lucky that a few book clubs picked my book.