We are lucky to be here in Indonesia in these exciting times!
Yesterday President Joko Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi took the oath of office, alongside his Vice President Jusuf Kalla.
I just had to take a couple of pictures of the TV with my iPhone to show you. It was a very worthy and dignified occasion, even the photographers and the journalists wore suit and tie!
Leaders from all over the world gathered here in Jakarta to show their support of this young democracy’s big moment when for the first time power was handed from one directly elected president to another.
Indonesia is the world’s third largest democracy, with 187 million voters. President Yudhoyono was the first directly elected president and is now leaving after serving the maximum two five-year terms in office.
The Imam held the Koran over President Jokowi while he took the presidential oath.
To the left are the former President Yudhoyono and Vice President Boediono with wives and to the right are Jokowi with his wife and Vice President Kalla with his wife barely in the picture.
By the way, I also wanted to tell you I was invited to guest blog at one of Sweden’s biggest literary blogs, Debutantbloggen, and the post (in Swedish) you can read by clicking the link.
Det var ett mycket spännande val. Jag önskar landet och dess invånare all lycka i framtiden.
Jo, det var spännande. Och det nämndes flera gånger under gårdagens tal att man är tacksamma och stolta över att valet fungerade väl och inte mycket oroligheter. Det är ju ofta skakigt i nya demokratier, men nu ser man framåt på de kommande åren med tillförsikt. Väldigt spännande att få vara här på plats!