We have a new publishing date for my upcoming memoir!
BEAUTIFUL AFFLICTION: A Memoir of Surviving Heart Disease, will be released September 15, 2015.
This is great news, since this gives us more wiggle room when planning the book tour that will span over three (!) continents: Asia, Europe and North America. October was a little tight, but September 15 is just perfect!
More news to come!
Åhhh, så spännande. Kan vi ge oss till tåls?! Väntar, väntar…
Tack för pepp!! Kram!
Wow – jag längtar!
This is just so exciting – congrats!! And how awesome that you’re going on a physical tour – they’re getting rarer and rarer these days. And where exactly in North America are you going?! Let me know if you end up anywhere close to San Diego. We’d be honored to feed and house a world-famous author, or at least chat with that author about her book! 😉
Aww — thank you, that’s so kind of you! I’ll let you know when the plans take form, but our loose thoughts are to start in Philadelphia and… Actually we haven’t planned further than that! 🙂 Would love to come and visit! Hugs.
Gratulerar! Det skall bli så spännande.
Tack, vad roligt!
Spännande med turnén IRL. Hoppas ett det blir tillfälle att få köpa ett signerat exemplar av dig någonstans.
Jaa, skulle vara så roligt att träffas irl! Tanken är att smygstarta releasen i Jakarta, åka via Singapore till Göteborg och vidare till Philadelphia… Boken utspelar sig i Göteborg och Philadelphia, så att ha release på båda platserna känns jätteroligt! (Kanske blir det även avstickare till andra städer, vi får se vad schemat tillåter…)
That sounds so fantastic! And a world tour!!!!! That’s my wildest dream, I’m so envious 😉
Yay! Will be lots of fun. The release events are meant to take place in Jakarta, Sweden and Philadelphia, over a two-week period… If we can get the logistics to work… 🙂
TWO weeks? Faints.