An interesting development yesterday!
Do you remember I told you of our search for the perfect subtitle?
Turns out the marketing team wasn’t that keen on the subtitle! I got an email yesterday: they’d been in a meeting discussing it and they asked me if I would agree to take it out; just keep “a memoir”.
Now that we have the cover and the title, I agreed with them that the subtitle is somewhat redundant. So it’s going to be shortened to: “a memoir”.
Very interesting process! You never know what’s gonna be on the table!
This is very good for a control freak like me. 🙂 I learn to go with the flow, view it for what it is: a process, and trust the professional people I’m working with.
I’ll keep you posted of further developments!
Livet har verkligen många lärdomar att ge oss! Svårigheten är att verkligen lära sig dem. Allihop. Vi hejar på dig!
Japp. Det har du så rätt i. Och tack så mycket, uppskattar varje heja-rop! 🙂
Very interesting! And ultimately, I think this a good development for your book! The cover does hint at the subject matter, and maybe it’s an advantage to keep some mystery. After all, people already have pretty set ideas on what heart disease is and so may feel like they don’t need to read your book (“I already know all about heart disease – my cousin Bob had three heart attacks!” etc)
Also: your condition was a mystery to you for so long, so in a way this step toward less specification makes sense!
As a side note, thanks for sharing the ins and outs of your publishing journey – so interesting!
I think you’re right, keeping it simple might be less “limiting” and open up for more aspects of my story… And actually it does make more sense, like you said, since it really is a story of mystery…
And thanks Angelica, for sharing your thoughts and cheering me on! <3
*cheers some more* 😉
I’m really enjoying following your path to publication. There are so many things I still don’t know about this process and I like seeing how someone is fairing with their work. There are so many things I wouldn’t expect 🙂
Thanks Sarah! And I am so happy to have *met* you! I am also constantly learning new things and it is wonderful to be able to share them with friends. Hugs.