Tag: Holidays
This time of year, I like to think back on the year we’re about to leave behind, as well as the possibilities of the one ahead. A few years ago, I started a tradition that has stuck with me: to choose a theme word in the beginning of the year to guide and inspire me as I pursue my goals.
Happy New Year, everyone! As we’re beginning this new year, I have been thinking about creativity, especially since I’ve experienced a surge in inspiration this past week after we returned from our holiday in Sydney, Australia.
Still a little jet lagged from our trip, new ideas for writing proje…
Hello friends! I’ve been feeling a bit exhausted lately, so when my husband invited me to join him at a conference last weekend in Bagan Lalang, on the Malaysian Goldcoast, I gladly accepted. And I must have found the inspiration I needed, because I managed to finish the very last revisions in t…
Hello friends! A new year has begun, and I was excited to celebrate its first days in Sydney, Australia, which has been a place I’ve dreamed of visiting for a long time. I took the pictures at Bondi Beach, which was even more amazing in real life; even more golden and actually less crowded than …
We came back last night from our Spring break adventure on a small island just off the Malaysian coast, named Pangkor Laut. It was magical! We fell asleep to the sounds of the waves, in our huts standing on pillars over the ocean, and we woke up to that same sound enveloping us. We dined like Ma…
Happy New Year everyone! Hope you had a magical Holiday and New Years Eve and that this new year 2016 will bring many happy, healthy days to all!
To say that we are enjoying ourselves in Sweden would be an understatement. We eat as much favorite food and goodies that we can possibly fit into our…
Greetings from Bali! We have a lot to celebrate: the girls’ holiday from school, my “second birthday” (which was last week: the 7th anniversary of my heart surgeries), and one month since the official publication day for Beautiful Affliction! In addition, it is Islamic New Year in Indonesia, whi…
What a Mother’s Day! (Today is Mother’s Day in the US.)
I got these beautiful white lilies from Anders and the girls, who woke me up this morning singing (!) and carrying a delicious fruit platter. The lilies (my favorite) make the whole house smell like a summer meadow.
We went to our favorite K…