Time flies so quickly! I can barely believe that four years of living in Jakarta have already passed. As I am writing this our house is being emptied by the movers, lifting the boxes containing all our things into a huge truck that will carry them to the container, in which they’ll be shipped to Malaysia. My husband is at the house, keeping an eye on things and doing some last-minute packing, while I am at the Hotel Dharmawangsa, feeling very nostalgic and slightly philosophical over the changes taking place in our lives.
Here is the view from my hotel balcony, captured this morning. I can’t believe we are to leave Indonesia already! And I have to confess I am quite nervous about the Swedish winter. (We will spend two weeks in Sweden before going to Malaysia.) I haven’t been in Sweden since last January, and I was SO COLD!! Brrrr… Our Indonesian friends traveling with us at that time didn’t seem half as cold as I was! And before that I had not been home in two years, so it is long overdue.
An hour after I took the photo, the monsoon started, reminding me it is rainy season, and of the inevitable change that is always taking place.
Oh, how can I leave this enchanted island where even the trees have flowers in their hair?
But I have to look forward and keep going! Onward! Towards new adventures! I hope you will be coming with me. ♥
And oh, did you see that Beautiful Affliction made it to The Wall Street Journal Best Seller list? Number three among Non-fiction e-books for the week ending Nov. 29! I am still pinching my arm every morning when I wake up! 🙂
Thank you for all the support, I appreciate it soooo much!
With Love,
PS. If you have read Beautiful Affliction and liked it, I would be tremendously happy if you would consider leaving a review or a rating on Amazon and/or Goodreads. It would mean a lot to me. Thank you.
Beautiful Affliction, Expats, Indonesia, Jakarta, Publishing, Travels
Ylva Renman
Blandade känslor förstår jag att du/ni har just nu, man vet vad man har och vet inte riktigt vad framtiden för med sig
Tacksamhet för det som var o nyfikenhet på det som komma ska.
Önskar att allt går smidigt o att du slipper frysa i den kalla Norden!
Lene Fogelberg
Ja, så mycket känslor! Gick igenom det tomma huset ikväll och då ville tårarna komma. Så många minnen!
Eva Fogelberg
Välkommen till Sverige! Den långsiktiga väderprognosen säger plusgrader. Ingen vit jul i år.
Lene Fogelberg
Plusgrader låter bra tycker jag, fast snö hade ju varit fint förstås! Det skall bli så mysigt att fira jul hemma igen!
Eva Karlsson
Det var längesedan jag bröt upp från en geografisk plats där man har sitt liv, men minns hur det känns, och sedan hur det känns när det nya tar över. Det ska bli roligt att höra om det nya och få se bilder …
Vi ska visst få värmerekord i Sverige om några dagar så du behöver inte halka runt i alla fall 🙂
Lene Fogelberg
Oj värmerekord! Jag såg på Facebook för ett tag sedan att det var lika varmt i December som på Midsommar!
Fotografier från Kuala Lumpur utlovas. Skall bli spännande att lära känna Malaysia!
Hi Lene. Sorry I haven’t visit you rblog for so long. I’m still having trouble following it with feedly, though I am following your fantastic success through your other social medias 🙂
I’m so happy for you!
I know moving, especially to another country, is a huge change. It’s normal to be nervous and unsure. But I think change brings us beautiful things we often don’t expect. Though leaving behind a place you love it’s hard. I now about it.
Can’t wait to read your post from Malaysia. I’ve decided I’ll follow you via mail updates. Should be easier 🙂
Lene Fogelberg
Sorry about the feedly, I tried to look into it with the websupport but it seems hard to fix. Mail updates seem to work fine though.
It is always sad to leave a place where there are a lot of memories. Especially when it is far away and not so easy to visit. I keep wondering is this the last time I visit this beautiful place and meet these friends? The only constant in life is change as the saying goes. And I look forward to new adventures! Thanks Sarah for joining the journey!
Anja Höglund
Jag tror inte du behöver oroa dig för kylan. Oftast har det varit 9- 10° här i skåne. Hittills har vi haft 3 dagar vinter å då kom det rejält med snö en natt, så mycket att vi knappt kunde öppna ytterdörren på morgonen, Snön gick nästan ända upp till knäna när vi pulsade ut för att skaka av snön fråm bambuhäcken som låg ner under snötyngden. Men allt är borta nu, inte den minsta snödriva finns kvar å som jag förstår fick Göteborg ingen snö alls. Förstår dina blandade känslor inför flytten men det nya blir nog bra det med när du fått acklimatisera dig. Lycka till med allt å kram på dig/er.
Lene Fogelberg
Skönt att höra att det inte varit så kallt, hoppas det fortsätter så, även om snö är fint förstås. Vad mycket snö ni fick så där plötsligt! Tack för lyckönskningar och kram tillbaka!
Sara Frabnk
I have just finished reading your beautiful book. I hope you realize that those of us who’ve read your story will have to know the rest. I hope that you will keep us in ‘your loop’ through this website. It’s hard to let you go! Thank you for sharing yourself in such a poignant way. I’ll be looking forward to ‘keeping up with you’, and I know that others will also. ❤️
Lene Fogelberg
Thank you so much Sara for those kind words! And I’ll try to keep the blogging up, even though there have been some technical difficulties during the move. But now they seem to be solved so I can try again. Big hug! <3