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Happy midsummer!

Swedish midsummer

Happy midsummer everyone!

As the monsoon is pouring down, we feel right at home celebrating in the traditional midsummer rain. 🙂 Our home town Gothenburg on the Swedish West Coast is located right by the sea and the weather in the early summer tends to be unsteady, except for midsummer when it always rains, that’s at least how the joke goes. It is a hilarious sight; people dancing around the maypole and hurrying indoors to escape the rain, then coming out again at the first ray of sunshine. “Göteborgare” are incurably hopeful and optimistic, no matter how heavy the rain we are sure it will stop soon, ready to bring the smorgasbord into the garden, determined to make the day into a true midsummer celebration.

This is one of few years that we are not at home in Sweden for midsummer, but the monsoon makes sure we feel right at home! (Tonight I think we will go to our favorite Italian restaurant…)

Greetings from Swedish-Indonesian-Italian midsummer celebrations in Jakarta!




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