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Lene Fogelberg Blog

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Tag: Kuala Lumpur

Hello friends! I meant to tell you that I am completely immersed in editing my new novel, because that was the plan, but my goodness, so much stuff is coming in the way! And not in a bad making-me-frustrated-way, but in wonderful ways that just make me shake my head in disbelief that all this is…


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We are finally starting to feel at home here in Kuala Lumpur. We have found the grocery stores and unpacked all the boxes and even managed to put our Indonesian carved wood artworks on the walls.  (The picture is the view from our living room, I just love the green and blue hills surrounding Kua…
Hello friends! We have landed in Kuala Lumpur and spent a few days getting to know the city. Some highlights were: getting the keys to our new home and see the girls enthusiastically choose their rooms, buying a ukulele for a very excited daughter, and enjoy the nature, even though the nature ex…
We are moving to Kuala Lumpur! Maybe you already guessed it, when I mentioned we were going on a “mini vacation” to Malaysia. 🙂 We came back yesterday, after three intense days of getting to know the city and visiting friends who live there. I wanted to take more pictures to show you, but we we…