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Lene Fogelberg Blog

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Tag: Memoir

An interesting development yesterday! Do you remember I told you of our search for the perfect subtitle? Turns out the marketing team wasn’t that keen on the subtitle! I got an email yesterday: they’d been in a meeting discussing it and they asked me if I would agree to take it out; just keep “a …
The cover for my upcoming memoir is finalized! I am super excited to present the cover for Beautiful Affliction! Several times a day I’m checking out the cover, (which I have saved in my iPhone), just to make sure it’s real, I guess. This whole thing is starting to feel surreal, but it’s really h…
Woohoo! We have a new publishing date for my upcoming memoir! BEAUTIFUL AFFLICTION: A Memoir of Surviving Heart Disease, will be released September 15, 2015. This is great news, since this gives us more wiggle room when planning the book tour that will span over three (!) continents: Asia, Europ…
This has been an amazing, exciting, interesting year for me, full of learning opportunities and new adventures. Today I sat down and made a list of goals for the next year and while doing this, my thoughts wandered to this past year and I was filled with gratitude for all of you — who have chee…
Hello friends! We have been working for weeks to find a new book title for my memoir. As you know my publisher was not satisfied with the previous title The Cicadas, which didn’t do the job sufficiently of telling what kind of book my memoir is, or drawing the reader in. In addition there were t…
Hello friends! Yes — we are finding the way to move forward! After some discussion with my publisher & team, with many new book titles on the table, we have a winner! I really like it and I think it’s going to be awesome! I spent the last week going through my manuscript (again) to really g…
Today I am reusing the picture from my previous blog post Glorious Mess! I need to remind myself to embrace the mess, see the beauty in all the odd pieces coming together, just like in this beautiful Indonesian tile floor. Are you also someone who like it when things are in order, under control,…
Hello friends! Today was a good writing day! I managed to get down twice as many words as anticipated, thus making up for Friday which I sort of lost, writing-wise. We have had a lot going on here in Jakarta. Muslim New Year’s celebrations all over town, the girls’ activities, my husband’s trave…